Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Project Management Services
Premiere has been substantively involved in the provision of Research, M&E and Project Management services for a wide variety of Donor and Intermediary organisations. The work undertaken has covered considerable geographical distance including some of the most remote areas of Botswana, and has been in a diversity of settings including educational, clinical, community and business environments. Subjects have ranged from baseline evaluations to participation in clinical trials, programmatic and financial M&E as well as perception and market survey assignments.
Surveys, In-depth Analysis, Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews, Documentary evaluations, Literature reviews, Participatory Learning Activities (when working with the very young). Human Subject Clearance for research purposes has been obtained where appropriate.
Programme/Project Evaluation
Work conducted in this area includes Knowledge, Attitude and Practice surveys, Perception surveys Needs Assessments, Baseline, Formative and End of Project Evaluation and Impact Studies as well as Market Surveys
Financial Monitoring and Evaluation
Work in this area has included Compliance and Governance of Donor regulations, budget development, monitoring of spend against budget, complexities of foreign currency, evaluation of abilities of sub-awardees prior to financial awards, ongoing monitoring of financial risks, allowable expenditures and processes and timely, detailed financial reporting and compliance with audit requirements.
Project Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation
Work in this area includes development of work-plans, monitoring of activities against the agreed work-plans, targets and performance/programme indicators. Compliance with programme reporting requirements, Evaluation of sub awardees and contractors to undertake the project work bid for, management of tendering process and subsequent management of contractors/consultancies.
Research work undertaken has included monitoring of community awareness for clinical trials, willingness to participate in clinical trials, health research, behavioural and attitudinal studies.
Research Ethics
The Premiere ethical guidance for staff is based on three principles:
- Respect
- Beneficence
- Justice